It is possible to increase the penis size?

It's possible to enlarge your penis

According to the statistics, about 80% of the male population I would like to make your penis bigger. And can it be done?

The interest in the topic approach, and the journals of the survey of women on the topic, "does size matter?", that is, each and every time to prove that, yes, in one way or another, to the size of the value is simple.

The official data on the size of the penis, which is the standard - 13,12 cm) in a state of excitement, and 9,16-cm-at-rest. This data is in thousands of a study published in british scientists, the international urological registry . But for all the women in his opinion, it is also an officially documented as a part of a larger study of the ideal of a long-recognized to 16.5 in.) in length.

It is important to note that, in addition to the length of the main criteria is the size. In order to regulate sexual relations and the value that you choose is a member of the 11.5 cm in circumference for a single contact of a preferably large. Conclusion: if you are a medium – sized, there is something to strive for!

You've already got?

This question is on the bed, as well as "friendly", "Honey, you want to freeze?" you may be the cause of your depression, erectile dysfunction, lack of self-confidence and is one of a number of complex matters. The internet offers a wealth of options as to how to enlarge your penis 2 to 3 inches per month, per week, and in many different ways: through the bites of the bees, and the suspension of charges before a special and exclusive face creams. That is the myth, that the pumping of money? If there are any ways to enlarge your penis that work and are safe for our health?

One can, in principle, to increase the penis size?

How is it that it is the penis, ' says the presenter, urologist at the center for health care .

"It's two cavernous body, and, under them, sponge-like body. The erectile tissues are surrounded by a thick tunica shell. When the volume of the when the erection becomes maximum, and the shell stretched to the limit. The more you stretch it, is not able to do so. Therefore, the increase in membership of the pets in the house, it is a legend, and a way to make money from a complex man. There is a condition in which the plastic of the penis that is required by the end of the reading when, for example, birth defects, and malfunctions when the condition of the Peyronie's disease, when the lesions. But the operation of the corporoplasty (insitionis) is a severe intervention, with a high percentage of complications and a long period of physical rehabilitation. The history of the desire of the man to be the leader in the all inclusive so you have no longer a member of the neighbor's brought the medicine to the new discoveries bezoperatsionnye techniques.

It is possible to increase the penis size without any surgery?

There are a couple of years ago, I would have to yes, he replied, "No!" – continues to be a urologist, and I thought it would be an argument to dissuade the young man from the trauma of the operations, and empty, a waste of money. Now, I said, "YES!" The size of your penis, you may grow up in a big way, without surgery, without pain, without a long rehabilitation and is cheap!". Hyaluronic acid – this is the revolution of the andrología! Many would say, is the fact that "pumped up" your lips for a selfie in the reflection of the mirror... and Then I thought about it and I, right now, I take the words back!!! The weapons I have, as do all my colleagues, be just, shown the efficiency of this technique. When I saw it in person, the experience of co-workers, and long-term outcomes of penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid, I say, " it's not a myth, it does work and is safe.

The outline of the plastic against the knife

Hyaluronic acid has shown results in great, was the subject of a number of scientific studies have proved its safety and it has confirmed that this is a long time. More than 10 years of hyaluronic acid in the arsenal of cosmetologists, and most recently it has found application, and the andrología with new challenges-prior to that it was used only in an integrated system for the treatment of premature ejaculation). He found the application and it instantly was fertilized top urologists such as "the one True way to enlarge your penis".

If you phalloprosthetics – it's expensive, and it requires the operational conditions for the special skills of the clinician, and the result is almost a 100% match up to expectations. The increase in the head of the penis with the help of a gel based on hyaluronic acid is not expensive, just handling it takes 60 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis), and the result is seen immediately, and to complete the sexual life it can be taken up through 1.5 weeks ago.

The fear of the substance that it's going to spread, and at the time of a very large and beautiful penis, it will be used in education, it is absolutely not worth it! Thanks to the neck-the viscous properties of hyaluronic acid, a detective does not migrate, thus ensuring a constant in the form for 1 to 2 years of age.

Dear men and women, keep in mind that it is your "want to" has to be the opinion of an expert. Just after the primary school, integrated research and consultancy, an experienced urologist will be dealt with is the question of the possibility of the enlargement of the penis. Only in this case, the expected result matches the reality 100%, but your sex life is full of new, bright colors in the shortest time possible.